
Other Names: N/A
Type: String
Origin: Europe, in the Renaissance
In Redwall: N/A
Appearance: The lute is built of pine that was often only 1/16th inch thick.  The strings are lightly strung due to the fact that too much tension would fracture or snap the delicately built instrument.  It had frets on the neck, much like the guitar which may be the descendant of the lute.
Use: This instrument went out of tune extremely easily, perhaps due to its necessarily light strings.  Sound was made by the lutenist using the pads of his or her fingers to pluck the strings.  It was highly respected, often used in court, and ideal for accompaniment with a single voice or with softer instruments, much like the acoustic guitar of today.  The lute was also lauded as a lovely solo instrument.
Listen to the Lute
For More Information:
The Lute
Printed Tablatures for the Lute
Lute MIDI Files