Redwall Ships

Most of the ships described in the Redwall novels don't quite seem to fit the descriptions of any existing medieval ships.  The ships used by most vermin have a fair amount of sails, usually just two or three masts, probably square-rigged.  There's one level below the deck for oars, which are manned by oarslaves.  There's probably a second level below that because there has to be a place for cargo and for the crew to sleep in.  The ship that fits the description of vermin ships closest seems to be the trireme, except its sails aren't quite the same as those described for the vermin ships, or perhaps even a large version of the pinnace with oars.

Goodbeast ships are relatively the same as vermin ships, except that they don't usually have oars.  The pinnace seems the best fit for most descriptions of goodbeast ships, as it's small enough for the small crew most goodbeast ships have.