Fort Bladegirt

Book: Mariel of Redwall

Fort Bladegirt is situated on Terramort Isle atop high rocks, surrounded by hills to three sides and ocean to the fourth.

The walls are made of solid rock with heavy wooden doors at the fort and courtyard entrance.

There is a high wall around the perimeter of the courtyard, which is open ground.  Part of the inner building melds into the outer wall on the cove side.

Banqueting Hall
A window in the banqueting hall faces the sea over Terramort Cove.  In the high banqueting chamber is a carved rock throne.  At the end of the banqueting hall is a colored cloth wall hanging.

Prison Cells
The prison cells are damp and below the ground.

Skrabblag’s Pit
Down the winding stairway from the banqueting hall and into a side room is a hole covered by a circular stone.  Within the pit is the scorpion Skrabblag.